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Welcome to The Disney Explorer, a unique blog here for you to explore Disney through my eyes. My name is Rebecca and I am doing the Disney College Program Spring 2019!
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On Friday, April 5th I ran my first official race. My sister and I have been trying to do a runDisney race for some time now but it just never worked out, until now. We signed up for it in November not knowing what our schedules would be, but we knew we would at least be able to try and make it work since we were both going to be in Orlando. The runDisney event we signed up for was Star Wars themed. Disney has about four different themed ones a year; Princess, Food and Wine, Star Wars and a regular Disney one.

A few weeks before the race I got my schedule and unfortunately, I was scheduled for a shift the morning of the race. This shift is one that I could not trade, but the shift started late enough (9 am) that I could do the race then run over to work. The race was supposed to start at 5:30 am, but due to lightning in the area it was pushed back an hour. I ended up finishing the race around 8 am BUT it poured the entire time. I am now soaking wet and have to dry off and change in my car to get to work on time! I still made it to work on time, but nothing is ever easy or goes as planned in life.

I had not trained for the run and I've had some issues with my knees in the past so I knew it was definitely going to be an interesting race, to say the least. When the time came to run it actually felt great. I had only slight pain in my knee, less than I thought, and I ran a really good time for someone out of practice. As soon as I finished I said I would definitely sign up for another race. If you are unsure if you will be able to do a race, I would highly recommend doing a 5k at least once in your life just to say you tried. And who knows? You may even love it and want to do more like me!

*Disclaimer* All things I write about are my own opinions and are not associated with the company. Any tips or tricks I share are things I found helpful throughout my program and are not sponsored by the company.

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"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

Walt Disney

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