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Welcome to The Disney Explorer, a unique blog here for you to explore Disney through my eyes. My name is Rebecca and I am doing the Disney College Program Spring 2019!
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Family Reunion

This week was super fun and exciting because my family was in town! I have not seen them in what feels like forever. We all have been waiting for this reunion for months and the anticipation just kept growing. They live in Colorado and we are extremely close with them. We use to take trips to see one another every summer but as we got older, it became harder for our parents to get us all together. This was the first time we would all be in the same place in three years! We have all individually seen each other at different times since then, but this was the first that both families would all be in the same place. And what better place to be than the Happiest Place on Earth.

We all have so many fond memories of trips we have taken here together. It was just one big walk down memory lane. Every park had a story for us to relive; some we even had forgotten about. It was full of constant laughter and happiness, despite the Florida weather sometimes not cooperating. This trip just made us even closer and we added to the memories we already had. I am so happy I could share the love I have and insight I have gained from being a cast member and my family seeing that happiness first hand. I miss them way too much and cannot wait for them to come back!

*Disclaimer* All things I write about are my own opinions and are not associated with the company. Any tips or tricks I share are things I found helpful throughout my program and are not sponsored by the company.

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"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."

Walt Disney

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